We are now all up in Chimborazo, the closest point on Earth to the Sun. Having settled in for all of 5 hours (2:30 am - 7:30am) after our arrival from Quito, we piled into the back of Antonio's pick up and headed out to visit the local communities that we will be involved with. We visited ten different villages, and observed the soccer situation in each. It varies from community to community, some only have fields of cement attached with the school, and some have badly neglected grass fields, that look as though the livestock see more action on the field.
Our day was made all the more interesting by the fact that Ecuador is in the middle of Carnaval. It may answer the questions of what we are covered with in the photo above - it's flour, lots and lots of flour. Carnaval is celebrated by throwing flour on each other, saoking each other in water, and feasting on the local cuisine (we ate guinea pig, drank
chicha, and had chicken soup - all three were amazing ... sort of).
There is tons that could be done here, so much potential to help, but too much for our resources. The tough part for us now will be deciding how best we can make a difference. We met as a group last night and it is becoming apparent to us that we cannot change the world, but we can make a difference here. We have to tread the fine line of want versus need for the people of Chimborazo. All we can hope for is to bring smiles to the faces of the children and set a foundation for long term success. This is only the beginning for Project Ecuador.
Keep following along, there will be more to come in the next couple days.