OA's Project Ecuador

Opportunitas Aequa's first project is the collection of new and used soccer equipment to be transported and distributed to the rural province of Chimborazo in Ecuador. The goal of Project Ecuador is to deliver 1000 soccer balls, and 1000 pairs of soccer cleats to some of the most impoverished children in Ecuador.

Location: Victoria, British Columbia, Canada


OA makes Christmas look good.

Finished all your Christmas shopping? Yeah, me neither. Good news though, I have got the quick fix solution that covers all your bases.

T-shirts by Opportunitas Aequa: Look good and feel good, as OA brings sexy back.

The slick designs are featured in five colours (military green, cardinal red, charcoal, indigo blue, and prairie dust). S, M, and L sizes available.

$20 per shirt
$50 for 3 shirts
$60 for 4 shirts

Kit out the whole family. Tell them you made a donation to a good cause in their name, and all you got was this wicked cool t-shirt. Who loses? Not you, and certainly not the children of Chimborazo.

100% of the proceeds go to Project Ecuador, so feel good about spending money this Christmas.

Order by email: opportunitas.aequa@gmail.com
Order by phone: 250.595.5933

Ecuador equipment totals are here.

December 17th, 2006.
OA's Victoria Headquarters.

Another decent deflation party (our 6th), a great gaggle of new volunteers (20 in all), and a total tally on all of our collected equipment thus far.

Drum roll please .........

1306 soccer balls
696 pairs of cleats and runners

Still short on the cleats, but way over on the balls. Still a lot of work to do, but it is energizing to have a full tally of what we have got. The excitement has me alliterating unnecessarily, and for that I apologize.

Keep checking back, there is a lot more to come today.

OA's Charity Game a huge success

A chilly Saturday night at the University of Victoria turf couldn't stop 30 soccer mad supporters of OA to enjoying some fun on the pitch.

Judging from the responses, everyone enjoyed the evening. The game itself featured some spectacular finishing as both sides combined for 9 goals.

The success of the game was the product of hard work (and some resourcefulness) by both OA's Evan Peterson and volunteer Simon Rose. Thank you guys.

Over $800 was raised to support Project Ecuador. Many thanks to all those who came out and those who donated. Hopefully another charity game is on the horizon.


Spinnakers Brewpub supports OA

Updates on the blog may have been slow over the past couple weeks but life with OA certainly hasn't been. Here is a quick update on where Project Ecuador is at.

Spinnakers Gastro Brewpub has joined Project Ecuador's growing list of supporters by offering all their empty bottles from now until the crew leaves for Ecuador. This generous offer will be a continuous source of funds to put toward the cost of shipping the equipment to Chimborazo. The blog will keep a running tally so everyone can follow along with the money raised.

Expect more updates soon, as pictures from the Opportunitas Aequa Charity Soccer Game roll in, and OA gives some ideas for last minute Christmas presents.

Maintain the aim.